Visit to Northumbria
Members of the Provincial Executive, including the Provincial Prior and Sub Prior and other Knights of the Province of West Yorkshire visiting the Northumberland Provincial Meeting in September 2024.

West Yorkshire Knights Templar Annual Dinner
The West Yorkshire Knights Templar Annual Dinner, held at the Manor Golf Club on Friday 12th July 2024. This is event is enjoyed by the members and their wives/partners and is an extremely enjoyable event.

Knights Templar Information Evenings
Recently held at various Masonic Halls throughout the Province, these evenings were arranged to serve as an introduction to Knights Templar for prospective members.

The Annual Provincial Church Service
Our annual church service was held at St Thomas’ Church, Batley on Sunday 7th of April. It was a great success with many attendees, all the Preceptories being represented, as witnessed by the procession of the Banners.
A few informal pictures…

A Packed church ….
A happy Bodyguard, well, all but one !…….

An unhappy Bodyguard, well, all but one !