The Preceptory Press

News and Events from Around the Province.

July 15th – St Laurence Preceptory No.298.

A great evening at the St Laurence Preceptory No.298. Where Kt. Paul Lawrence was installed as a Brother Knight in front of 48 Knights from the Provinces of West Yorkshire and Lancashire – a true Roses event!

24th June – The Emmaus Society Annual Dinner

June 24th saw the annual Emmaus Society Annual Dinner held at the Masonic Hall in Pudsey.

E.Kt. Chris Binns – one of the Conveners of the Society was given a Field Promotion by the Provincial Prior to Past Provincial First Constable!

Congratulations Chris and well deserved!

Those who attended the meeting, including Bro Knights for the first time, were entertained and informed by Em. Kt. Brian Price’s talk entitled “What the Crusaders Did For Us” followed by the usual convivial supper.

29th May – VIP visitor to Gilbert de Lacy Preceptory!

Gilbert de Lacy – the newest Preceptory in the Province, were humbled to receive not only the Provincial Prior – Right Eminent Knight Hearl R. Lenton MBE, and the Provincial Prior of Nottinghamshire, but honoured to receive the Most High and Right Eminent the Great Seneschal Andrew Christopher Rainbow (unofficially). It was a wonderful evening seeing the installation of a new Bro. Knight.

The ceremony was followed by an excellent festive board and a very rare occasion when not only was toast number 3 was given informally…but was responded to.

If the evening couldn’t get any more special…at the end of the Festive Board the Provincial Prior of the Province of Nottinghamshire, presented our Provincial Prior a long and very much lost Warrant to a Preceptory now gone. Full story to appear shortly…but picture below of the framed Warrant being presented.

3rd May 2024 – Beyond the Craft

Earlier this month an evening at the Lodge of Connaught and Truth in Huddersfield was held looking specifically at “Beyond the Craft”.

The Order of the Temple and The Order of Malta were represented by E.Kt. Stephen Schofield and E.Kt. Richard Binks respectively amongst other Masons from the Province representing other Orders.