The Preceptory Press

News and Events from Around the Province.

30th November – Airedale Preceptory No. 230 – Centenary Meeting.

Saturday 30th November saw the Centenary meeting of the Airedale Preceptory, which took place at Hoyle Court Baildon.

The meeting was attended by the Provincial Prior and was a full team event. The meeting was also attended by The Very High and Right Eminent Great Seneschal, Andrew Christopher Rainbow, who presided over the centenary items of business in the Preceptory – where he was also made an Honorary Member prior to entering the Preceptory.

Headlines of the meeting were the original warrant of the Preceptory dated 25th July 1024 being read out by the Provincial Vice-Chancellor, E. Kt. Alec Gilston, P.Gt. Her.. This was followed by a brief history of the Preceptory, presented by the Provincial Chancellor, V. E. Kt. John Rushworth, P.Gt.Reg. The Provincial Prelate then gave a short Oration which was followed by a prayer. After the Centenary Warrant was read out by the Provincial Vice-Chancellor, the The Very High and Right Eminent Seneschal presented the members of Airedale Preceptory with their Centenary Jewels.

The meeting was followed by wonderful festive board and speeches.

25th November – Prince Edward No. 18 – Installation of Eminent Preceptor.

Monday 25th November saw the Installation of Preceptor Elect,  Kt. Barry Howorth as Eminent Preceptor of Prince Edward No. 18.   The Ceremony was expertly conducted by E.Kt. Lorne Bunn who, having now vacated the Chair of Prince Edward, can concentrate on his Installation as Worshipful Master of Benevolence Lodge 226 at Rochdale this evening after 28 years membership of the Lodge!

The Preceptory were pleased to welcome V.E.Kt. Tony Wilkinson, P.Gt.Reg., Past Provincial Sub Prior as the Provincial Prior’s Representative and E.Kt. Roy Emmerson, P.Gt.A.-de-C.    An excellent Ceremony followed by the usual happy Festive Board.   Visitor numbers were less than usual as many of our regular visitors are crossing the Pennines today for the Ceremony at Benevolence Lodge and Border Control would not permit crossings on two consecutive days!

11th November – 40th Anniversary Certificate – E.Kt. Barry Hartley P.Gt.Her.

The Provincial Prior invited E.Kt. Barry to the floor of the preceptory where they discussed Barry’s Knights Templar career as well has his illustrious career in the Craft. They both spoke warmly about the last 40y ears and many tales were told of the great work Barry has done both for the Province and for the Preceptories he has been members of, namely Trafalgar, Cohors Praetoria and Gilbert de Lacy.

Below are the highlights of Barry’s 40 year KT career:

E.Kt. Barry Laurence Hartley was Installed as a Knight Templar into Trafalgar Preceptory, No.259, on 12th November 1984 and progressed ‘up the ladder’ and in 1990 became the E.P.

Barry was a member of the Prior’s Bodyguard and in 1994, he became a Founder Member of Cohors Praetoria Preceptory, No.587.

In that same year Barry was appointed as Provincial Deputy Marshal, a role he performed for at least two years, being promoted to P.P.Reg. in

In 1999 Barry was appointed as the acting Provincial First Constable. In recognition of his services to the Province, in 2001 he was appointed to Great Priory rank as P.Gt.A.-de-C.

During this period Barry was progressing through the ranks in Cohors Praetoria and became its Preceptor in 2005.

2015 saw Barry promoted to Provincial Prelate, an Office he filled for four years.

Barry was promoted to P.Gt.Herald in 2016.

In 2018, Barry became a Founder Member of Gilbert de Lacy Preceptory, No.710, at Pontefract, and his experience, wise-counsel and support were much appreciated by all, especially by the Organising Registrar!

Barry has been the Chaplain here in Trafalgar Preceptory for the last 5 years.

Below on left is Barry with the Provincial Prior and Sub Prior with E.Kt. Lee Dolman the Acting Eminent Preceptor of the evening. the image on the right is Barry with various members of the Trafalgar Preceptory No. 259.

5th November – Visit to Loyal Volunteer Preceptory No. 7.

November 5th and fireworks outside but a very convivial evening at Ashton Masonic Hall at Loyal Volunteer No.7 Preceptory and Priory in the Province of Lancashire.

They are small in number and asked Prince Edward No. 18 for assistance with their Malta Ceremony.

The call was answered by 13 Knights from West Yorkshire, including the Provincial Prior (an Honorary Member of Prince Edward No.18) and our Sub Prior and resulted in the Provincial Prior of Lancashire (also an Honorary Member of Prince Edward No. 18) turning out with his Sub Prior and Provincial team!

A great night was had by all.

28th October – Prince Edward No. 18 – Installation of a Brother Knight.

Another superb night at Prince Edward on the 28th October for the Installation of Companion Martin Francis Holland as a Knight of the Order.

We were honoured by the presence of the Provincial Prior, Past Sub Prior, V.E.Kt. Sykes and E.Kt. Heys.

7th October – Integrity Preceptory No. 205 – Installation of a Brother Knight.

Knight Mark Barron was installed as a Knight at Integrity Preceptory. Here is Kt Barron flanked by the Preceptory’s Eminent Preceptor, E.Kt. Carl Heath and the Provincial Chancellor, V.E.Kt. John Rushworth P.Gt.Reg.

5th October – Plains of Mamre No. 89Presentation of 40 Year Centenary Certificate to E.Kt. Tom Ward

A special event at The Plains of Mamre No. 89.

E. Kt. Tom Ward receiving his 40 years certificate from The Provincial Prior. Many congratulations!

27th September – Airedale Preceptory – Presentation of 40 Year Centenary Certificate to the Provincial Sub Prior – V.E.Kt. Tony Wilkinson.

The meeting at Airedale Preceptory last Friday marked two significant events firstly the Provincial Prior presented V.E.Kt. Tony Wilkinson, the Provincial Sub-Prior with a certificate to mark his 40 years as a member of the Order having been admitted a member of the Preceptory in May 1984. In making the presentation he referred to the significant contribution he had made to the Preceptory, the Province and the Order in general in those 40 years. V.E.Kt. Wilkinson was then Installed as E. Preceptor in a very dignified manner by V.E.Kt. Roger Skinner, some 36 years after first occupying the Chair. In installing him he said it was very appropriate and fitting that Tony, as the senior member of the Preceptory should be occupying the Chair as the Preceptory celebrated its Centenary.

23rd September – Prince Edward Preceptory No. 18

A superb evening on the 23rd September at Prince Edward 18 at Todmorden for the Installation of new Knight Ian Leslie Card and joining member Paul Christodoulou, P.Dep.Gt.Alm., Provincial Prelate.

The meeting was attended by the Provincial Prior and the Acting Officers of the year.   This was the last Official Visit for the current Provincial Officers and on this occasion they were joined by R.E.Kt. David H. Gallear, K.C.T. Provincial Prior of Lancashire!

September 16th – Trafalgar Preceptory No. 259

E. Kt. Phillipp Pursey looking extremely pleased with himself at his installation as Eminent Preceptor at the Trafalgar Preceptory.

A family affair!

E. Kt. Phillipp Pursey with his brothers, E. Kt. Robert Pursey and Kt. Christopher Pursey – both officers in the Trafalgar Preceptory.

The Provincial Prior along with the Provincial Representative for the evening E. Kt. Stephen Isaacs – Provincial 2nd Constable along with the new Eminent Preceptor and other members of the Preceptory.

September 12th – Salamanca Preceptory No. 21.

The penultimate Provincial Team meeting of the year to attend the installation of a new Bro. Knight in Halifax.

The Provincial Prior and the Eminent Preceptor of the Salamanca Preceptory, E. Kt. Robert Whitlow with the newest Bro. Knight in the Province (as of that evening) Kt. Mark Jennings. An unforgettable evening was has by all!

July 15th – St Laurence Preceptory No.298.

A great evening at the St Laurence Preceptory No.298. Where Kt. Paul Lawrence was installed as a Brother Knight in front of 48 Knights from the Provinces of West Yorkshire and Lancashire – a true Roses event!

24th June – The Emmaus Society Annual Dinner

June 24th saw the annual Emmaus Society Annual Dinner held at the Masonic Hall in Pudsey.

E.Kt. Chris Binns – one of the Conveners of the Society was given a Field Promotion by the Provincial Prior to Past Provincial First Constable!

Congratulations Chris and well deserved!

Those who attended the meeting, including Bro Knights for the first time, were entertained and informed by Em. Kt. Brian Price’s talk entitled “What the Crusaders Did For Us” followed by the usual convivial supper.

29th May – VIP visitor to Gilbert de Lacy Preceptory!

Gilbert de Lacy – the newest Preceptory in the Province, were humbled to receive not only the Provincial Prior – Right Eminent Knight Hearl R. Lenton MBE, and the Provincial Prior of Nottinghamshire, but honoured to receive the Most High and Right Eminent the Great Seneschal Andrew Christopher Rainbow (unofficially). It was a wonderful evening seeing the installation of a new Bro. Knight.

The ceremony was followed by an excellent festive board and a very rare occasion when not only was toast number 3 was given informally…but was responded to.

If the evening couldn’t get any more special…at the end of the Festive Board the Provincial Prior of the Province of Nottinghamshire, presented our Provincial Prior a long and very much lost Warrant to a Preceptory now gone. Full story to appear shortly…but picture below of the framed Warrant being presented.

3rd May 2024 – Beyond the Craft

Earlier this month an evening at the Lodge of Connaught and Truth in Huddersfield was held looking specifically at “Beyond the Craft”.

The Order of the Temple and The Order of Malta were represented by E.Kt. Stephen Schofield and E.Kt. Richard Binks respectively amongst other Masons from the Province representing other Orders.